To be on top

Songname: To be on top

Original composer: Chris Hülsbeck

Released: 2009-10-21

Credits: Floaf, Dimmignatt

Song length: 4,15 min

Quality: 256 Kbps

Filesize: 7972 kB

Hello folks!
Time for another release.
This has been in the loop from 2008 and now we feel that it's time to release it.
It's our version of Chris Huelsbeck's To Be On Top.

Slightly heavier than the original and it's got the usual X-formZ sound to it.
Quite mellow track with some heavy guitar riffs and I played around quite much
with the drums on this one, didn't go all out berserk this time though ;)
Floaf did some amazing stuff with the synths on this one and of course
we've blended in some SID'ish sounds into this one as well.

Enjoy this release as much as we enjoyed working on it :)

Best Wishes Dimmi (Guitars and drums).

Forum posts

X-formZ - Deflektor
X-formZ - To be on top
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